Publikacja wydana w języku angielskim prezentująca w syntetycznej formie ustrój polityczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.
Introduction: Basics of the functioning of Polish political system (Jarosław Szymanek)
Part I. Historical, political and constitutional background
1. An outline of recent political history (Bartłomiej Zdaniuk)
2. Th e road to a new constitution (Jarosław Szymanek)
3. Characteristics of the Constitution of 1997 (Maria Kruk)
4. The basic principles of the political system (Grzegorz Kuca)
Part II. Democratic processes in action
5. Elections and electoral system (Bartłomiej Michalak)
6. Political parties and party system (Bartłomiej Michalak)
7. Political activity of the citizens (Mikołaj Cześnik)
8. Relations between government and opposition (Zbigniew Machelski)
9. System of governance (Jarosław Szymanek)
10. Quality of Polish democracy (Zbigniew Machelski)
Part III. Constitutional institutions
11. Institutions of direct democracy (Piotr Uziębło)
12. The legislative power: the Sejm and the Senate (Jarosław Szymanek)
13. Th e executive power: the President and the Council of Ministers (Michał Bożek)
14. The judicial power: courts and tribunals (Lech Jamróz)
15. Constitutional organs of law control and protection (Krzysztof Prokop)
16. Sources of law and the legislative process (Monika Florczak-Wątor)
Part IV. Spheres of politics
17. Religious policy: relationship between state and church (Wojciech Brzozowski)
18. Economic policy: social market economy (Adam Krzywoń)
19. Local policy: local government (Zbigniew Gromek)
20. European policy: Poland’s participation in the European Union (Aleksandra Kustra)